Yesterday was the first day of a new class. Next to me, a woman asked if she could borrow a pen. I was hesitant at first, especially since my only free pen was a Micron. If you don't know what that is, it's a fancy shmancy art pen that's uber expensive. The fact that she was 24 minutes late and therefore probably irresponsible didn't cross my mind at the time. Who's that late to the first class? Did she forget about it? I could have gone home and come back 3 times in 24 minutes. A grand total of 0 of these thoughts entered my mind at that exact second. A shame, since that particular second ended up being crucial to the future of my pen.
All I could think to myself was, "Be nice to a stranger for once." Big mistake. At first, I watched her struggle with the pen, as if it were difficult to write with. Newsflash: if you don't know how to write with a pen by the time you're 30, I doubt you'll be able to teach yourself this in one class period. After she gave up, she decided to go to her last resort: her laptop.
I expected her to return the pen at this point. Nope, wrong again. She couldn't seem to find a place to put it - the desk was slanted, and the girl couldn't figure out how to place the pen on the desk without it falling off. But there was a cap. It wasn't a loose pen. So it could have been balanced on the desk. Nevermind.
Obviously this task was far too complicated, so she did the only thing she knew would work. She shoved her pen down her shirt into her right breast, and let the top part of the pen just hang out slightly, two inches or three. Tacky would be a nice word to use, if I saw her on the street. But this was my pen. Mine. Not hers. I did not give her permission to shove my pen down her private parts. I didn't want an unknown person's sweat from her private parts on my pen. I especially didn't want my pen to be contaminated; I worried about getting a rash as soon as I touched it.
Needless to say, I didn't want my fancy shmancy, uber expensive pen after that incident. Not like she would have given it back anyway. She raced so fast out of class you would think that all of the Popeye's had suddenly gone out of business except for the one at the end of the hallway. Which didn't exist. And not even a thought to return the pen.
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